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Friday, 26 November 2010

Kaze to RAINBOW ~ Yesterday's Diary

Yak, halo minna san, wa emang udah pernah ngomong *dan kalian bisa liat sendiri* kalo gue ganti judul blog, tapi gue belum pernah posting lagu yang menginspirasi gue buat ganti ya? xD

Oke deh, gue posting dulu sebelum gue nulis curcol /slapped

Lyrics by
Retranslation by Silent Afterglow

Hidamari yokotawaru miwakutekina sono bodi
That attractive body that lies under the sunlight

Marui me wo mihiraite nagameru sekai ha dou?
How does the world appear, seeing it from your large, round eyes?

Doramatikkuna yoru ni akogareta metaruhaato
The metal heart that dreams of a dramatic night

Kokoro wo hoshigaru no ha minna onajirashii
It seems like everyone equally wants a heart

Wind and Rainbow

Oikakete yumemiru kisetsu no youni
Chase after the season of dreams

Sekai no hate made mo iku you
Let's go all the way until the end of the world

Akatsuki ni se wo mukete
With the sunset behind our backs

Wind and rainbow

Oikakete afurekaeru hito no naka de
Chase after them in the overflowing crowd

Tozasareta sono kokoro no mukou
Beyond the heart that is tightly shut

Muchuu de sagashiteta ne
Is where we are frantically searching for

Naahh...Dan sekarang curcolnya ya~

Kemarin...Wa dan kawan-kawan (baca: ber-15 ditambah gue jadi 16) pergi ke PvJ buat nonton yang namanya Harry Potter.
Masalahnya, kemarin sekolah keluar jam 10, jadi kita pergi ke PvJ itu main dulu, baru nonton.

Dan lucunya, gue kehilangan jejak kelompok anak-anak karena gue nyampe duluan (ah payah)...Gataunya lagi pada di Gardenice skating bareng.
Gue ya telat masuknya *pundung* Dan syukurlah gue masih bisa skatingan ternyata :D

Jam satu lewat sepuluh, gue dan kawan-kawan bareng-bareng ke KFC (aaaaaargh padahal minggu kemarin baru makan nanti dua bulan kedepan ngga bakal makan >_>)

Nah, di sini nih gue mulai ga tau kenapa, kepikiran terus.

Ceritanya gini, pas gue lagi ngantri mau beli, gue kan bingung mau apa, akhirnya ya udah gue putusin gue mau beli kombo Super Mantap yang 15,000, dann....

Di sebelah gue tuh, ngantri juga anak dari rombongan, tapi masalahnya gue gatau sampe dia bareng gue ngantrinya.

Kemudian...Secara tiba-tiba dia nanya,

"Glo, lo mau apa?"

Gue spontan kaget, karena..Gue nggak tau dia siapa, dan tiba-tiba dia ngeluarin duit 50,000 dari dompet! @_@

Dia bilang gini,

"Udah sini gue bayarin"

Gue kaget setengah mati! Bayangin aja, ga tau apa apa tiba-tiba gue dibayarin, tadinya gue nolak, cuma dia bilang gapapa.

Akhirnya kita berdua pesen, dan ternyata harganya 64,000. Tadinya mau gue tutupin kekurangannya, cuma dia dengan segera ngeluarin lagi 50,000 dari dompetnya @_@

Cih, gue ngga enak banget. Terus, pas di counter, kita jadi ngobrol, dia minta nomor hp bareng FB gue, yaudah gue kasih.

Tapi...Tapi...Gue takut dia stalking =____________=

Abis nonton, kita terus ke Game Master, nah disana gue nge-pump (baca: nge-dance) lawan temen gue si Ardel dan si Yoswil. 

Udah gitu...Jam setengah enam, gue dijemput. Gue mau balik, terus anak yang tadi nyamperin,

"Eh Glo udah mau balik?"

Gue ya ngangguk aja, karena emang udah sore, gue ngantuk juga @_@

Terus dia bales gini,

"Hayu atuh main lagi bareng gue yu?"

Gue bales gini,

"Wah gue udah main dari tadi..."

Dia cuma senyum aja udah gitu ngomong, "Yaudah kalo gitu, ketemu lagi aja di sekolah."


Nama anaknya sih William...*pundung*

Udah ah gue mau les, makasih buat yang mau baca curcol geje ini =))

Bye everyone~

~The Metal Heart that Dreams of a Dramatic Night~

Friday, 19 November 2010

Our Old PLI, Revival of S4, and retranslation of EXEC_HARMONIOUS/.

Yak, halo minna san, sori gue udah jarang ngisi blog lagi, inet mulai lagi know deh. 
Jadi, gue dengan bangga mempersembahkan...

Yea, gue tau, gue agak berlebihan, tetapi, sumpah gue bener-bener rindu sama komunitas S4, anak-anaknya yang luarbiasa gaje, nggak jelas asal usulnya but I enjoy hanging out with them. Senzai, Shin, Rikku...And a lot of them. Dan...Setelah gue bekerja lembur sama si Stanley, ngurusin forum, benahin forum, S4 Second Generation siap diluncurkan :D

Gue seneng banget sumpah!! Sambil browsing, gue sering bernostalgia pas masih di AARP dulu, beneran sumpah gue rindu banget, meskipun itu forum udah diformat total, message ilang semua, tapi gue masih sering kunjungin sama log in. Yah, sumpah rindu banget gue, saat-saat gue begadang cuma buat chat geje sama anggota AARP, Kouyou, Shin, Stanley, dan kawan-kawan. 

Link forum diatas itu forum RP S4 Second Generation, kalau anak anak S4 yang lama mau ikutan silakan, dan jangan lupa baca rules-nya xD

Dan...Sekarang lagi-lagi gue mau nyinggung tentang old PLI.
Jadi...Gue udah lupa kapan, gue, Rose dkk janjian OL bareng di PLI lama. 
Uh sumpah nostalgic banget, sayang fellow member banyak yang nggak ikut.
Yang online tuh gue, Yuryur, Ame (yang mau dicrossdress lagi =)) ) Rose, Has, Hana, dkk =)) Sumpah gue rindu banget hahahahahaha

Dan sekarang...Gue persembahnkan retranslation dari EXEC_HARMONIOUS/. mwahahaha /slapped

Sung by Mir - Ar Tonelico: Melody of Elemia
Faura yerwe murfan anw sol ciel.
The little bird chirps its feeling to the world

Faura sonwe murfan anw sol ciel ee.
The little bird sings its praise to the world

Ridalnae sol ciel yanyaue manaf.
Irreplaceable world, and the valuable life

Presia yasra lusye enclone anw omnis.
Wish that gentle light would wrap everything

Faura selena anw Metafalica.
The little bird play the Song of Hope

Was ki ra revatail whou Metafalica crushue, mule,
The Reyvateil who craft the Song of Hope, Mir

presia kiafa sarla mea.
Please listen to my song

Presia firle sarla mea.
Please feel my song

Van fandel viega heighte mea,
Even the thousand sword wound me

van fandel wis lurrea,
Even if there is thousand fear

van fandel crudea ousye,
Even if thousand suffering fall onto me

van fandel deleir ousye,
Even if thousand disaster fall onto me

van fandel gauzewiga der lamenza,
Even if there are thousand despair and griefs 

was ki ra tasyue eterne sarla yor.
I shall concentrate and offer my eternal song to you

Alroetsue kierre iem,
The atonement in this moment

fandel zadius, hierle melifan, iem endia.
Thousand hatred, sad history ends now

Was ki ra revatail whou Metafalica crushue, mule,
The Reyvateil who craft the Song of Hope, Mir

presia kiafa sarla mea.
Please listen to my song

Presia yehar zadius rum ferada yor der sarla mea.
Please unleash the flame of hatred dwell inside you with my song

Presia metafalica rifaien tou yor sphilar.
Please ressurect the Song of Hope in your mind

Faura yerwe murfan anw sol ciel.
The little bird chirps its feeling to the world

Faura sonwe murfan anw sol ciel ee.
The little bird sings its praise to the world

Faura yerwe wis enclone tou marta.
The little bird's chirp is warped in its mother

Faura sonwe murfan anw fatele.
The little bird's song to its father

Ridanlnae ture inferiare manaf.
Irrepleaceable bonds of beloved existence

Presia briyante enclone anw sol ciel.
Wish the voices of joy warps the world

Faura selena anw Metafalica.
The little bird plays the Song of Hope.

~Fou ki ra reen rre sos ciel hymme sarla oz soare~

Saturday, 6 November 2010

LDKS 2010 and retranslation of EXEC_DESPEDIA/.

Halo minna san!! Maaf gue jarang ngisi blog sekarang, yah, lagi-lagi, some stuff whatsoever-lah.
Jadi, gue baru aja balik dari LDKS 2010 buat OSIS Efraim, yah OSIS sekolah gue, bukan sosis loh hahaha /bletak

LDKS yang dilaksanakan kemarin dan hari ini, bener-bener menguras mental sama tenaga gue, gimana enggak, bayangin aja acara beres jam setengah sebelas malem, jam setengah dua belas pintu kamar tiba-tiba digedor dan disuruh keluar, udah gitu dibentak-bentak pula, gimana mau jawab, masih aja setengah linglung, udah main bentak-bentakkan, gimana mau jawab, setengah sadar setengah enggak.

LDKS bikin kaki gue gempor hahahahahahah /bletak

Udah gitu....
Yes, akhirnya retranslasi EXEC_DESPEDIA/. beres juga hahahahaha /bletak

Ma num ra tictim yorr wis dhezeall DESPEDIA/.
Feeling nothing, I shall prison you in Despedia

Eh canda, canda, gue bukan Jakuri, gue nggak akan bisa nyanyiin EXEC_DESPEDIA/. hahahahah /bletak

Sung by Noriko Mitose as Jakuri a.k.a Mir

Ma num ra teyys ween syec oz wase en noglle guatrz, ee,
Feeling nothing, I shall remain inside the depth of darkest abyss and praise,

Ween colgen fayra, Race mea wis gigeadeth zeeth tie yor.
In the frozen fire, I shall wreathe a iron chain and restrain you

Ma num ra teyys ween syec oz wase en noglle guatrz, ee,
Feeling nothing, I shall remain inside the depth of darkest abyss and praise,

Ween colgen fayra, Race mea wis gigeadeth zeeth tie yor.
In the frozen fire, I shall wreathe a iron chain and restrain you




Hyear, Ma num ra gyusya yorr, ee Dia oz ruinien
You, whom I feel nothing, shall rule over you and praise the ruler of destruction

Hyear, Ma num ra gyusya yorr dewee won clamour yor
You, whom I feel nothing, shall rule over you and kneel on your knee before me

en chess won vinan jambea mea, gigeadeth zeeth tie yor
And kiss on my white feet, I shall wreathe a iron chain and restrain you

Hyear, ma num ra gyusya yorr, ee Dia oz ruinien
You, whom I feel nothing, shall rule over you and praise the ruler of destruction

Hyear, Ma num ra gyusya yorr dewee won clamour yor
You, whom I feel nothing, shall rule over you and kneel on your knee

en chess won vinan jambea mea, gigeadeth zeeth tie yor
And kiss on my white feet, I shall wreathe a iron chain and restrain you
Nanji chi ni fushitada hizamazukite
汝 地に伏しただ跪きて
Bow down to the earth, kneel before me

Kikeya wa ga kotoba
聞けや 我が聖言
Listen to my divine words

"Kuroki fuchi zaigou no gouka moeyu yami"
"黒き淵 罪業の 劫火燃ゆ 闇"
"Deep inside the black abyss, the darkness burns its flame of sinful destruction"

Naraku no soko ni utsuru wa nare no
奈落の底に 映るは汝彼(なれ)の
The bottom of hell reflects thee

Oni ga na manazo ataeyo ware ni
魂が名 真名ぞ 与えよ我に
Devote thy demonic name, thy true name to me

Rrha yea ra haf yor, forgandal,
I will gladly own you, because of,

knawa Manac yor, Manac.
For I know thy true name, name of thine soul

Rrha yea ra haf yor, forgandal,
I will gladly own you, because of,

knawa Manac yor, Manac.
For I know thy true name, name of thine soul

"Kizamareshi kizu kienai ato"
"刻まれし傷 消えない痕"
"The wound carved unto thine body will leave a scar that never disappears".

Ma num ra tictim yorr wis kneet hueaf van yorr zaffur.
Feeling nothing, I shall control over you for your worthless effort of struggle

Ma num ra tictim yorr wis kneet hueaf van yorr zaffur.
Feeling nothing, I shall control over you for your worthless effort of struggle

"Juukoku no kase ibara no kusari"
"従属の枷 茨の鎖"
"The shackles of binding, the chains of thorns".

Ma num ra tictim yorr wis dhezeall DESPEDIA/.
Feeling nothing, I shall prison you in Despedia

Ma num ra tictim yorr wis dhezeall DESPEDIA/.
Feeling nothing, I shall prison you in Despedia

Sono ude ni karamu.
その腕に 絡む
Entangled in those arms.

"Rrha ki ra chs hymme"
"I shall concentrate and turn into wave"

"Rrha ki ra chs hymme"
"I shall concentrate and turn into wave"

Yawarakana yubisaki.
やわらかな 指先
Thy pale fingertip.

Rrha paks ra chs gigeadeth zeeth tie yor
I will excitedly turn into iron chain and restrain you

Rrha paks ra chs shazra cause yor
I will excitedly turn into thorn and torment you

Rrha paks ra chs viega zethpa yor
I will excitedly turn into sword and cut you down

Rrha paks ra chs omnis yor…
I will excitedly turn into everything...

Rrha paks ra chs gigeadeth zeeth tie yor
I will excitedly turn into iron chain and restrain you

Rrha paks ra chs shazra cause yor
I will excitedly turn into thorn and torment you

Rrha paks ra chs viega zethpa yor
I will excitedly turn into sword and cut you down

Rrha paks ra chs omnis yor…
I will excitedly turn into everything...

Rrha yea ra infel yor, waze, waze
I thank thee so much, too much

Rrha yea ra melenas yor, syec, syec
I love thee so much that I went into abyss

Rrha yea ra dsier yor, rol clemezen
I desire thee so much that I went insane

Rrha yea ra ruinie omnis yor
I want to kill thee

Rrha yea ra infel yor, waze, waze
I thank thee so much, too much

Rrha yea ra melenas yor, syec, syec
I love thee so much that I went into abyss

Rrha yea ra dsier yor, rol clemezen
I desire thee so much that I went insane

Rrha yea ra ruinie omnis yor
I want to kill thee



Stay tuned! /slapped

~Fou ki ra reen rre sos ciel hymme sarla oz soare~

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

EXEC_CHRONICLE=KEY/. ~ Retranslation

Kalau salah, gomene =w=
Untuk mengisi bulan November yang penuh hujan ini *halah* EXEC_CHRONICLE=KEY/. kayaknya cocok yah mwahahahahah /bletak

Sung by Akiko Shikata as Misya Arsellec Rune

Wee ki ra chs Chronicle Key en grandee sos dius yor.
Fairly concentrating, I shall turn myself into Chronicle Key and guard you, my precious one

Wee ki ra araus tes soare an giue mea iem.
Fairly concentrating, I shall exchange my body into the song right now

Was au ga whai pauwel ferda enter whou na needle sor,
Sadly, why does power dwell into who do not need that,

en whai pauwel gaunji yasra whou na senjue sor tou zuieg.
And why does power torment kind people who wish not to dispute

Was au ga, Diasee, Pausee,
I want this sadness to end soon, Child of God, Child of Power

aiph yos dealij zuieg, en needle eterne falfa,
If your power is hatred, and need an eternal peace

siepir tes pauwel an hyzik,
I will put the power to sleep together with the body

fatere tes pauwel chs deleir, en ousye yor.
Turn the power into disaster, and fall into to you.

Wee ki ra selena anw yasra wiene,
Fairly concentrating, I shall play a gentle melody

en chs Chronicle Key sos yor.
And for the sake of yourself, turning you into Chronicle Key

Wee ki ra araus tes soare an giue mae iem.
Fairly conenctrating, I shall exchange to the prayer together with the body now

Grandi en eterne slepial
To guard you I shall grant you an eternal slumber

presia aterra cremia sos viuy lonfa,
Please, accept the salvation of the darkened soul,

yehar lamenza der soare mea.
To liberate the grief deep within you.

~Fou ki ra reen rre sos ciel hymme sarla oz soare~


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