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Tuesday 29 December 2009


Emang agak awal, sejak gw besok nggak bakalan ke sini.
Happy New Year 2010!
Gw pengin post quotation fav gw sepanjang tahun.
Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan inilah diaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~~! *jgerr!*

Me & Alba: Dan musikpun mati hahahahahahahahahaha...
Andrian: Woy yang di sana kerjain tugas mat yak!?!
Yuthaya: Dengan irama yang menggoda melepaskan hasrat diriku =))=))=))
Onii san: Surrender...?
Me: No, not yet.
Me: Apaan? Cornet?
Aki: Anjeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenghanjeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeng GLOGLOLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPEDOOOOOOOOOO!!
Eclair Ciel (tsubasa_xerxes): Kenapa saya yang kena duluan *mojok*
Nicola: Hai Gloria~

~...To promise one heart is to hold one's heart. I'll never let you go.~

Confession of My Feelings: Part II

Yak...Selamat malam semuanya
Karena mau tahun baruan, gw mau mengungkapkan semua perasaan gw sebenernya.

I miss my old days...I miss the past, which is already gone and will be never happen again...
I miss my old days when I around that place...
I miss the days when I joke together, when I laughing all by myself in the front of computer because of that crazy fanfic: Confession in Farewell -Restricted-
I miss the days I was trying to help Admins and Moderators, tell them what is the best behavior in my opinion
I miss the days when I welcomed the new members with another people: Onii san, Mimo, Seizan...
I will always remember the day I was scolded by Hime san, because I don't obey the rules accidentally...I just want to tell you Hime san, I'm really sorry...
Yet, I miss the days when I sitting down in front of my computer, trying to pull up another joke in my fanfict...
Yes, I still miss the days when I yelled at the forum...I yelled at everyone to calm down at the moment.
Yes, I miss it.
I miss the day when I involved with a conversation about 2012 and later involved in a conversation with novada san. He said I should enter Social study when I'm at high school since I'm a good speaker and able to argue with anyone and win the argument.
Honestly, I really miss those days.
I miss the days when I trying to giving some advice to some member that is still new around that place, told them to read the rules first so they don't have to be scolded again like I did.
I miss the days when I discussing in Shoutmix with the founder, about the skins that is better for that place.
I miss the days when I spent my time at that time, in Chatbox, crazily yelled and laughs, until I realized I stayed up too late.
I miss the days when I laugh because of Wataru, and Onii san. Yeah, those two are really good at cracking jokes.

I miss those days...Those warm days.

I thought I can vanishing those feelings running to Novo..Becoming a Mod there.
But I can't.
I thought I can run away from those feelings by joining Pandora Hearts and become an RP Master there.
But I definitely can't.
And then I crush the Miracle of Heartless created by Echo, and becoming Admin there.
I thought by becoming a staff, I can escape my feelings.
But I know I can't.
That place is like a "second home" for me. Where I can talk freely about my feelings, giving advice to the others...

~Now that you're gone...My life scattered into pieces...I don't know where to turn...I don't have home to return~ Althea Razensky, my character.

...I think it's true truly.
Since that place gone...I dunno where to turn.
Since PLI's gone...I feel I don't have home to return.

You guys know? I always let out a tear slipped away when I think about it.
Fortunately, I've been used for it, so I hold my tear as long as I can, but in the end I'm always ending off accidentally slipped out a tear.
Why did that place should disappear...?
You're a bastard. You don't take the responsibility for what you done.
You're breaking Mizu's heart as you're one of most trusted person.

Heh, gw tau meskipun gw marah-marah, ngamuk tapi nggak bakalan berubah keadaannya.
Setidaknya hati gw jadi lebih ringan.

~...To promise one heart is to hold one's heart. I'll never let you go.~

Monday 28 December 2009

Hrrrm...Nggh...AAAAAAAAAAARGH! *gaje*

Serius gw mau lanjutin itu Fan Fic Kacau n Asal punya gw~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!
Tapi blog gw jarang pengunjung =))=))=))
So I doubt anyone will read it anyway =))
Tapi SM gw ada di blog gw yang satu lagi yang Dream of the Restless
Entar deh nanti sama gw dipindah lagi ke sini biar gw tau statistik yang dateng n liatin blog gw =))

~...To promise one heart is to hold one's heart. I'll never let you go.~

Sunday 27 December 2009

Persona 3 Fes + Suikoden V: GILA-GILAAN!! XDDDD

Lw tau kan maksudnya?!
Yak, gw tengah bicarain P3F sama Suiko V! =))
*diinjek sama audience*
P3F gw main the Journey sejak gw ngk suka sama the Answer.
Yak. Gw rindu banget sama Mitsuru dkk...
Si Redhead *diinjek Mitsuru* Brunnete *dipanah Yukari* Confident Looking student *dibantai Akihiko* Class Clown! *dipenggal Junpei*
Characters: *choked*
Yukari: Kupikir si author benar deh.
Mitsuru: Emang. Kan di awal game kan kita diperkenalkan sebagai Redhead dan Brunnete
Akihiko: *sweatdropped*
Junpei: Class Clown!? Gw ngk terima!

Oke sekarang gw mau maju ke Suiko V
Lyon: Wahh kok gw mati sih Konami?
Frey: Wah harusnya ada satu lagi War Battle! Gw penasaran pengin pake Dawn sama Twilight di sana =))
Sialeeds: Nah gw minta protes! Kenapa gw musti ngeliat wajah Lucretia sialan itu pas gw mau mati?!
ALL: *choked*
Arsthat: ......Kalian ini bodo banget sih!
Lymselia: Mommy! Kok hidup lagi!?
Ferid: Lah?
Frey: Dad!? WAH ZOMBIE INI!!
Arsthat: Eh Freyjadour dasar kamu anak ngk tau diuntung!
Lymselia: Brother! Tungguin gw!
Author: *sweatdrop*

Oke, lupakan para karakter gila ini.
*waves bye*

~...To promise one heart is to hold one's heart. I'll never let you go.~

Friday 25 December 2009




~...To promise one heart is to hold one's heart. I'll never let you go~

Thursday 24 December 2009

Merry Christmas guys!

Selamat Natal 2009 dan tahun baru 2010
Semoga damai Natal berserta kita sekarang dan seterusnya
Semoga di tahun yang baru kita makin dekat kepada TUHAN, dan makin berkembang ke arah yang lebih baik.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year may the Light and the peace of christmas will be with us.

~It's hurts...Whenever you love someone but that someone never recognize your love and everything you done is to protecting him...~

Dwelling into my Memories into "that" place...

Seperti judulnya. "Dwelling into my Memories into 'that' place..."
Tadi gw sempet tilik lagi PLIku tersayang
Dan gw lihat lagi FF Gaje dan Asal gw.
Pada saat yang bersamaan, gw pengin ketawa dan nangis.
Ketawa dan bersyukur karena gw bisa gabung ke PLI dan berbagi banyak momen bahagia. Tertawa, bercanda, berbagi pikiran, curhatan, dan bergaje ria.
Nangis sedih karena gw tau momen-momen itu nggak bakal kembali lagi.
Itu cuma tinggal kenangan di belakang gw.
Bener itu cuma tinggal kenangan.
Kata "Lady" Yuki, itu forum bakalan dihapus.
Tiap kali di benak gw ada pikiran itu, kenapa hati gw langsung perih.
Itu adalah forum pertama yang gw rasa comfortable berada di sana.
Berada di sekitar orang-orang yang warm, welcoming sama gw.
Ohh, betapa gw merindukan suasana itu lagi.
Gw tau suasana itu nggak bakal kembali lagi.
Gw tau meskipun gw join lagi, suasana itu nggak bakalan ada.
Orang-orang yang gw sayangi nggak ada disana.
Terutama Onii san.

~It's hurts...Whenever you love someone but that someone never recognize your love and everything you done is to protecting him...~

Dear Diary.

Dear Diary.
Hari ini.......Perasaan gw campur aduk

~It's hurts...Whenever you love someone but that someone never recognize your love and everything you done is to protecting him...~

Wednesday 23 December 2009

Persona 4: Boss Walkthrough *gaje* pt 1


Okay, spam it with Zio and it'll go down in no time.

After that, watch a scene that unfolds and you'll encounter Other Yosuke. Yosuke will deny it so get ready to facing Shadow Yosuke.

He'll get the first turn and he'll spam you with Wind of Oblivion, which is Izanagi's weakness. Afterward, he will use Power Charge. When it's your turn, spam Zio on him and when he's down, have the Hero guards. Tough it up and you'll be able to do it.

After you defeat Shadow Yosuke, finally you get your first recruitment.

PRINCESS YUKIKO CASTLE: Get up to the 2nd floor and make sure you're saving your game first in the entrance.

In the 2nd floor, wath a scene that unfolds and as always, Chie will deny her shadow so her shadow will going berserk. Get ready to face Shadow Chie.

Shadow Chie will almost always targeting Yosuke so have him casting Dia or use Medicine instead. Hopefully in your first journey, you can get Angel that learned Garu so you can get 2 All Outs per turn. When it says: "Shadow Chie is gazing at Yosuke..." , have Yosuke guards while the Protagonist spamming Garu on Shadow Chie. Keep spamming Garu and Shadow Chie will go down in no time.

Watch a scene that unfolds and return for today.

For the next day, if you feel you can take it, go forth until 5th floor. Yukiko will playing dumb with us in this floor so tough it up. Open a gate that Teddie says he sense Yukiko behind it. When prompted, select "yes" to initiate a battle.

You'll need lots of Medicine as you tough up probably the hardest boss in the game at your current level now. Equip a persona that have a strong resistance against physical so you don't take lots of damage. Have Yosuke spam Dia everytime someone's health gets low. His Poison Skewer will sometime inflict poison so you'll need Apsaras and/or Dokudami Tea. Tough it up and you'll surely beat it. Slime with Resist Physical will do the trick.

Nah, after this go home and rest for that day. The next day, go to Yukiko's dungeon again and tough it up until 8th floor. Before opening the gate, make sure you're armed with Orobas that has Fire Resist skill and has learned Fire Wall skill.
Open the gate and watch a scene that unfolds. Get ready for another battle.

Patient. You need to be patient in this battle as this is one of the hardest battle in game. Shadow Yukiko will tends to attack Chie and Yosuke so have someone heal.
Shadow Yukiko got this attack called "Burn to Ashes" . It's a all enemy target so when you feel is time, equip Orobas and use Fire Wall on Chie. Have Yosuke guard as it will deals 50-60 damage per ally. Tough it up and you'll surely beat Shadow Yukiko.

Watch a scene that unfolds, ending in your house.
Once you pinpoint Kanji's location, all left is to save him. Yukiko already joins the party by then so you can organize your party now.
Now, advance to the 3rd floor where you'll face Daring Gigas.

Daring Gigas will have the first turn and he'll use Power Charge, Rebellion and Tarukaja in each turn. So have Yosuke use Dekaja so you can minimize the damage. Have Yukiko spam Media each time the party health drops below 100. Make Daring Gigas use Power Charge and all of its companion until there's says "Insufficient SP" . Hit Daring Gigas with your best move and he'll go down in no time.

For now, use Goho-M or return to the 1st floor. Rest for now and for the next day go to the dungeon again. This dungeon have 11 floors so I need 4 days to thin it off. Depends on how you proceed, maybe it'll take more than 4 days.

Before proceeding to battle, make sure you save in the save point in front of the door. Once you sure, advance and get ready for battle.

Shadow Kanji will have companions with him. Take Nice Guy down first since battle will be rough as he butt in into battle. Whenever he uses Heat Riser on Shadow Kanji, have Yosuke spamming Dekaja. After you beat Nice Guy, focusing on Shadow Kanji.
Shadow Kanji got these status ailment inflict attacks: "Forbidden Murmur" and "Roar of Wrath". So once again you need Apsaras and Pixie. Forbidden Murmur will inflict Poison while Roar of Wrath will inflict Rage. Stocking items especially Dokudami Tea and Sedative will helps. As always, tough it up and Shadow Kanji will go down in no time.
Marukyu Striptease
At this rate, your group expands to 5 people -- 6 with Teddie included. So now, arrange your party as you wish and save Rise. This is a little extreme one =='a

If you can advance until 7th floor, use Goho-M right there and rest for it as you'll be wore out since you advancing from 1st floor until 7th floor. The next day, come again at the dungeon and continue from 7th floor when prompted.

Since it's weak against fire, spam Agilao if Konohana Sakuya has learned it. And if you have Hua Po, spam Agilao as well so you can 2 times All Out with it. Don't be surprised if he had Virus Wave that sometime will inflicts Poison so have any persona that has Posumudi will helps. Keep spam it with Agilao and it'll go down in no time.

After this, advance to 11th floor and if you wish to advance, save and go forth.

11th floor: BOSS>>SHADOW RISE
This isn't the "real" boss battle. Even so, keep hit her with everything you got. After you halved about 1/2 of her HP, she will use Supreme Insight. Nothing that you can do so guard and heal.
The battle will end automically and watch a scene that unfolds. Now it's time.
Other Teddie will appears and Rise will take Teddie's place as supporting member.

If your level is around 28 and forth, fuse a King Frost first so you won't have to take damage from this guy's Mabufula which is a fatal attack to Yukiko. Don't worry about depleted HP or SP, you'll be automically restored. Better, fuse an Undine so instead of null, you'll absorb it and heals your HP. Whenever he uses Marakunda, use Diamond Shield or Dekunda on all allies.
Shadow Teddie got an attack called "Nihil Hand", and before he uses it he'll use "Ultra Charge" . Whenever Rise says he's going to attack, GUARD WITH ALL COSTS. That'll result you all will blocking the attack. Usually the attack comes after 3 turns so heals whenever that is necessary.
Shadow Teddie got an unique attack called "Nullity Guidiance" . Whenever he hits anyone on your party, he/she will automically knocked down and get dizzy status. That will makes Shadow Teddie get 1more and usually he uses it 2 times. So stock up Stimulant to get them standing again. Hit him with your best move and you'll beat Shadow Teddie.

Watch a scene that unfolds.
When you got to this point, Rise and Teddie will join the party and they'll be definitely assets in your battle forth.

Void Quest is annoying. I hate it myself. Not that's too crappy but...I hate it especially about that Kubo. Oh well. Advance to the 7th floor to get a key item.

This guy have Deathbound and Summon along with him. It's his turn first and he'll use it to summon companion, an Almighty Hand. Almighty Hand have every single support skill. I'll listed it here:
>Re Patra
Yes way, it's real. If you have Phoenix around this battle, spam Garula on Almighty Hand and maybe another guy on your party will perform a follow up attack. Whatever happened, take the Almighty Hand first since he's an annoying guy.

After the battle, go straight to get an Orb of Darkness.

Go back now, you'll surely beat. As the next day, advance until 10th floor or it will be listed as Void Quest Endgame. Save first and access the gate. If you had Orb of Darkness the door will open.

Watch a scene that unfolds.

At the beginning of battle, Rise says that you should beat the outer shell first which is referred as Mitsuo the Hero. The outer shell will only one skill: Command that includes Fight, Item, Spell.
When he chooses Fight, he'll just performing a normal attack. When it comes to Item, he'll uses bomb that usually inflicts both damage and Enerveration. So use Teddie's Energy Shower or use Royal Jelly. If he selects Spell, it will says "Mitsuo cast Gigadyne!" Actually it's just non elemental damage but it deals quite a damage. So have Yukiko or Teddie spam healing magics. After you beat the outer shell, Shadow Mitsuo will down and when it prompted, select "yes" to initiate All Out Attack.
Shadow Mitsuo will casts Green Wall or Red Wall -- just between them. Whenever he casts Green Wall, his skills will dominated with wind based skill that inflicts quite damage.
At some point, he'll use Stagnant Air and Evil Smile afterward. You know it right? He looks for a chance of instant kill using Ghastly Wail. So if you're unlucky -- fortunately you're on Easy Mode so use Moon Tsukubame. Hit him with your best stuff and you beat Shadow Mitsuo.

Watch a scene that unfolds.

In this dungeon, you'll need to get your hand dirty after all. For now, advance until 4th floor where you'll find a locked door. For now leave it be and advance to 6th floor.
Search the entire floor until you get Research Card key item. Go back to the 4th floor and open the locked door with that card.

This battle is a major pain in the ass. Dominating Machine will do nothing but keep using Power Charge and Herculean Strike. Physical attacks work better than magical ones so stick with it. Unleash your best stuff and it will go down in no time.
Go onward until you get Leader Card key item and go back for now.

10th floor: BOSS>>SHADOW NAOTO
Shadow Naoto have skills as listed below:
>>Brave Blade
>>Heat Riser
>>Galgalim Eyes
>>Element Zero
>>Mute Ray
Yes way, it's real. That's what making this battle is a major pain in the ass. She'll keep spamming each of your member weakness so if you had chance, max out S.Links with members you're asked them to accompany you. Her Brave Blade won't give that damage though since she's more with magical attacks. Element Zero is a skill that nullifies persona's resistance. So, as I always told you, tough it up as maybe this is one of those annoying battles. Mute Ray is a skill that silences foe and damage both HP and SP so having Soma or Chewing Soul will be a good idea as she will target healing party member. Hit her with your best stuff and you'll beat her.
As listed, ini adalah part pertama jadi tunggu part duanya yah! XD *diinjekin*

xU rre rhaplanca hLYEmYAmArU enw raklya en yLYEzAtU,
(Entrusting her atonement and hope within the 1001st seed)
jLYEwA dejuy en arhou tes 1001 Implanta/.
(Rhaplanca sang her wish in overflowing tears)

Monday 21 December 2009


Gw mau menceritakan dulu deh pengalaman gw kira-kira beberapa minggu lalu.

~Senin, 14 Desember 2009
Hmm. Hari itu adalah 3 hari sebelum gw libur panjang menjelang tahun baru. Sekolah gw mengadakan event "Gembira Natal" . Kelas yang tampil kala itu adalah kelas 7A, 7C, 7D, 7E, 7F, 7H.
Gw bosen banget, dan hari itu gw telat masuk gara-gara gw kira masuknya jam 07.10. Gw pun lupa bawa agenda sekolah dan akibatnya, migrain gw kambuh lagi.
Akhirnya gw masuk UKS dan gw pun nyaris ketiduran di sana.

Eh, pas gw nyaris terlelap, tiba-tiba lampu UKS nyala. Pas gw buka mata gw, ternyata berdirilah guru sejarah gw. Arrgh, gw waktu itu tergagap-gagap. Tapi akhirnya gw bisa jawab juga sih. Nah udah gitu dia pergi, dan masuklah guru BK gw, yang juga kala itu ngawasin kelas gw. Gw manggilnya Ibu Silfani.

~Conv. with Miss Silfani~
M.S: Glo kamu sakit?
Gw: Iya Bu, migrain sayah kambuh lagi.
M.S: Sama Ibu buatin teh manis ya?
Gw: Iya Bu, makasih.
M.S: Udah minum obat belum?
Gw: Udah.

Gw pause dulu. Sebenernya gw belum minum obat loh *diinjek*

M.S: Oohh ya sudah, tunggu sini yah.
~Conv. ends~

Habis itu, gw coba-coba keluar dan gw ketemuan sama guru Listening gw.
~Conv. with Sir Erick~
S.E: Glo, kenapa kamu pucat banget? Terus kenapa kamu keluar dari UKS?
Gw: Gini Sir, sebenernya saya mau ngambil jurnal kelas saya.
S.E: Kamu sakit?
Gw: Umm, iya Sir, migrain sayah kambuh lagi.
S.E: Oh ya udah, istirahat dulu atuh!
Gw: Iya...
~Conv. Ends~

Jiahh, mata gw cuma berair waktu itu. Kalo ada orang yang concern sama gw, gw itu orangnya gampang tersentuh *dibakar*

Udah gitu, gw nunggu di UKS. Ehh, ada anak lain masuk ke UKS. Dan pas saat itu, M.S masuk.

M.S: Glo, ini tehnya.
Gw: Makasih Bu.

Gw minum itu dan gw ditinggal.

~Selasa, 15 Desember 2009
Hari itu juga adalah sesi Gembira Natal yang ke dua. Yang tampil adalah kelas: 7B, 7G, 7H, 7I
7B nampilin drama
Kelas gw aka 7G nampilin dance
7H juga dance
7I adalah drama "Take Him Out 7I Christmas edition."

Waktu itu, salah satu pemainnya lemparin sandal dan nggak sengaja mendarat di dekat gw. Tanpa ragu gw ambil sandalnya dan gw lemparin lagi dan pas, kena muka dia. Gw langsung tancap seketika itu juga pas kacamatanya jatoh =))
Tapi hari itu gw lebih banyak diem di kelas, entah itu gambar ataupun buat cerita.

Dan udah beresnya, semua kelas itu mengadakan perjamuan kasih. Gw ngk bawa apa-apa tapi ke rumah gw bawa bingkisan *diinjek se-7G*

~Rabu, 16 Desember 2009
Hari itu natal anak SMPK 1 BPK. Kita nyewa GKI Kebonjati. Di sana, aulanya gede banget dan gw duduk di bangku atas.
Urrgh, gw bosen banget.

~Kamis, 17 Desember 2009
Hari itu gw ke panti jompo. Kita semua anak kelas 7 ngumpul dulu di aula sekolah. Guru sejarah gw ngasih pengarahan dan kita berdo'a sama-sama. Lalu pergi.

Sasaran kelas gw adalah P.W Nazaret di Jalan Cikutra.

Pas kita sekelas masuk, kita disambut sama seorang nenek usia sekitar 85 tahun yang tugas keamanan. Kita dituntun masuk ke koridor utama dimana kita bisa baca semua penghuni panti itu. Gw langsung nge-bekep mulut gw pas gw nemuin seorang nenek yang lahir tahun 1913. Gw nyaris teriak soalnya itu pasti umurnya nyaris 100!

Audience: udah beres belum!?!?
Gw: Udaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!
Audience: Euhh!

*author dilempar*

xU rre rhaplanca hLYEmYAmArU enw raklya en yLYEzAtU,
(Entrusting her atonement and hope within the 1001st seed)
jLYEwA dejuy en arhou tes 1001 Implanta/.
(Rhaplanca sang her wish in overflowing tears)

Sunday 20 December 2009

Re: Status

Currently Resident: Bandung, Indonesia
Currently Read: Chosen by Ginger Garrett
Current Condition: Di depan komputer, nulis entri blog gaje nggak jelas
Eating: Permen Sugus XD
Drinking: ...Air putih?
Playing: Persona 4
Mood: Agitated
Status FB: Hhhhh banyak yang ngasih gw Christmas Goodies
Listening: Tuhan Masih Sanggup by Maria and Mike Idol
Status Plurk: Karma gw cuma naik 0.35 XDDDD
Status YM: You know...? Violence isn't the answer...

*diinjek audience*

xU rre rhaplanca hLYEmYAmArU enw raklya en yLYEzAtU,
(Entrusting her atonement and hope within the 1001st seed)
jLYEwA dejuy en arhou tes 1001 Implanta/.
(Rhaplanca sang her wish in overflowing tears)


Oke, gw tau itu.
Gw tau, gw tau banget.
Gw udah nggak bisa kembali sekarang.
Karena di forum itupun gw punya kewajiban yang harus diselesaikan.
Karena gw sebagai staff yang ditunjuk
Gw nggak bisa ninggalin forum itu sekarang.
Meskipun ada dia
Meskipun dia bilang gw dendam sama dia
Gw nggak bisa tinggalin
Gw nggak bisa biarin tugas gw terbengkalai
I know that.
But I can't turn back now.

xU rre rhaplanca hLYEmYAmArU enw raklya en yLYEzAtU,
(Entrusting her atonement and hope within the 1001st seed)
jLYEwA dejuy en arhou tes 1001 Implanta/.
(Rhaplanca sang her wish in overflowing tears)

Friday 18 December 2009

Suikoden V Walkthrough: Sol Falena Siege pt 1 & pt 2

Suikoden V Walkthrough: Sol Falena Siege pt 1
Goal: Get the Dahak to Sol-Falena
Lose if: The Dahak is destroyed
The ships will be the heavy hitter while ground troops play the minor role. Equips Cathari in Dahak to get about until 5 Barrages.
Dahak: Raja, Urda, Cathari
Place a Ram in western bridge so when the Godwin's fleet fled have Ram crush it. Zerase's Star Rune will help considerably when you try to wipe out the fleet. Once the path is clear, made a mad dash through.

Watch a scene that unfolds and get ready for battle.

BOSS: Sialeeds >> 2nd Round

Sialeeds will barge you with her Twilight Rune. Stick with physical attacks and co-op attacks since magic won't give big damage to her, which is important. Keep countering with Time of Awakening or items and Sialeeds will down in no time.

Watch a dramatic scene that unfolds, and get ready for Sol Falena Siege pt. 2

WAR BATTLE: Sol Falena Siege, Pt.2
Goal: Get hero to Sol Falena
Lose if: The Dahak is destroyed and/or the Hero is killed

Reversed version from pt. 1. Ground troops will be the one who lead the role here while ships just playing minor role. You'll be armed by 2 Calvaries, 1 Calvary and 1 Dragon Cavalry and this will be lucky since Godwin's army dominated by Infantry. Have them charge and equips archer ship with barrage and hit Godwin's Army from the sea. Once the path is clear, have Zerase's unit get near the land and use Star if Zahhak and Alenia's unit are still in the path. Have the other unit lures them away and get the Hero make mad dash through.

Watch a scene, ending in the Sun Palace. Get ready to 2 consencuetive battle without abiltiy to save.

BOSS: Zahhak, Alenia

Don't all out first. Instead, have the Hero and Miakis/Lyon use Sworn Protector while the other use lower area attack. Finish Alenia first since she is the weakest between two.

Watch a scene that unfolds and get ready for the 2nd Round.

BOSS: Raging Zahhak, Raging Alenia

Go for it, man! Use Zerase's Meteor Shower, have Hero and Lyon/Miakis use Sworn Protector on Alenia and have the other focused on Zahhak since he'll give more damage that Alenia does. Heal frequently, do your best and they will go down in no time.

Watch a scene that unfolds.

Once you regain control, head straight to the Audience chamber and watch a scene that unfolds. Prepare for dueling with Gizel.

He already know that he will lose but don't hesitate. His quotes results in Special although sometimes he attacks. Pay close attention and Gizel will down in no time.

Watch a scene that unfolds.
Udah dulu dah! *gaje* *diinjek audience*

xU rre rhaplanca hLYEmYAmArU enw raklya en yLYEzAtU,
(Entrusting her atonement and hope within the 1001st seed)
jLYEwA dejuy en arhou tes 1001 Implanta/.
(Rhaplanca sang her wish in overflowing tears)

Thursday 17 December 2009

Confession of my Feelings part I

Gw pengin cerita deh sama kalian semua pembaca setia blog gw, juga member Novo ataupun semua forum yang gw regis di sana.
Dari semua member yang gw kenal, ada beberapa orang yang ngasih banyak dampak di kehidupan gw.

Gimana kalo gw cerita aja deh?
Orang-orang yang ngasih dampak di kehidupan gw, baik positif maupun negatif

Yang pasti Onii san gw a.k.a Papa.
Sejak gw ketemu sama dia, dan seiring gw makin sering ke PLI, liatin postnya,
Gw nggak tau
Perasaan gw bilang gini...
Kalo sama dia, apapun pasti bisa gw lakukan, rintangan apapun pasti gw taklukan.
Karena itu gw coba tanya-tanya ke member senior PLI, gw tanyain nopenya dia. Eh, ketemulah gw sama Yurrei.
Dan gw tanya nope Onii san. Yurrei ngasih dan gw ngomong terima kasih.
Sejak saat itu, gw mulai deket sama Onii san.
Dan malam sekitar 3 bulan lalu, gw dan Onii san ngucapin janji tak terucapkan.
Dan karena itu, gw harus melindungi dia...
Di akhirnya, selalu gw melulu yang dilindungi dia.
Gw malu banget. Adik macem apa gw ini? Padahal janji yang tak terucapkan itu udah jadi sumpah gw.
Masa gw 'mulu yang dilindungi dia?
Gw ngga bisa ngomong apa-apa. Kalo ada masalah, gw pasti dateng sambil nangis sama dia. Dan?
Dia selalu mau dengerin gw. Sedangkan kalo gw marah, gw kadang-kadang keluarin semuanya di depan dia.
Gw malu sama diri gw sendiri. Adik macem apa gw ini?
Pas gw mengutarakan semua itu, dia ngapain?
Dia cuma tersenyum dan bilang: "Ngk apa-apa. Jadi adik itu bukan untuk melindungi tapi untuk dilindungi oleh kakaknya."
Seketika itu juga gw luluh.
Udah deh, gw nanti diinjekin couple nya kalo gw cerita kepanjangan *diinjek Reis x Karin duluan*

Ada Yurrei sama Kou.
Gw sebetulnya nggak mau cerita ini.
Karena gw takut mereka yang punya luka hati karena kematian Kou terkuak lagi.
Tapi gw mau nggak mau harus cerita ini....

Sebetulnya gini.
Malem terakhir sebelum Kou meninggal, gw SMS Yurrei karena gw pengin tau kondisinya. Sesudah di rep, gw mulai. Tapi, gw tanya dulu gini,

"Ada Yurrei?"

Dan reply dari sana tertulis sbb:

"Nee san masih di kamar. Ini Kou."

Gw lanjutin, "Ohh. Terus gimana kondisinya?"

Dan seterusnya. Aduh, gw jg ga kuat neh.

Pas sore hari gw dapet kabar dari Miki kalo Kou meninggal, pikiran gw langsung melayang sama malam terakhir itu. Gw naik ke kamar gw dan gw teriak sejadi-jadinya.

Pagi harinya
Ada masuk Inbox di hp gw.
Nomornya hidden dan pas gw buka, isinya gini

Glo makasih banget ya udah SMS Yurrei di hari terakhir gw ada di sini.
Gw khawatir soalnya sesudah gw pergi siapa yang bakal merhatiin Nee san.
Tapi kayaknya gw bisa percaya sama kamu

Air mata gw langsung leleh dan gw simpan itu.
Gw udah dipercayain buat ngejaga Yurrei.

Hmm, mungkin gitu aja dulu yah.
Kalo kepanjangan juga bakal pada bosen =))

xU rre rhaplanca hLYEmYAmArU enw raklya en yLYEzAtU,
(Entrusting her atonement and hope within the 1001st seed)
jLYEwA dejuy en arhou tes 1001 Implanta/.
(Rhaplanca sang her wish in overflowing tears)


~!@#$%^&*()_+| *teriak geje* *dilempar audience*
Kenapa coba gw dapet PM di sebuah forum yang isinya itu, kayak nyari masalah sama gw coba!?
Padahal gw maunya dapet ending si Frey jadi Commander of the Queen's Knight!! XD XD XD XD
Tapi gw sempet kaget.
Lyon ko it di Asthwal Mountains dan Frey jadinya punya 2 True Rune, Dawn sama Twilight Rune.
Padahal kalo dipake di war battle rame banget tuh. O.O
Yang bikin gw teriak geje...
Lawan Sun Rune Incarnation susahnya setengah hidup padahal chara gw level 60 XD XD XD
Yang bikin gw teriak geje lagi
Persona 3 PSP!!!!!!!
Ce, ceweknya manis!!!
Apalagi Orpheus versi cewek yang mengenaskan itu!! *dibantai Atlus*
Bukan mengenaskan tapi menggemaskan XD XD XD
Keren, good job Atlus!
Gw maen di punya temen gw XD XD XD
Gw bakal tamatin lagi dan kali ini gw bakal berusaha untuk mendapatkan ending Frey jadi Commander of Queen's Knight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*semangat '45* *diinjek audience

xU rre rhaplanca hLYEmYAmArU enw raklya en yLYEzAtU,
(Entrusting her atonement and hope within the 1001st seed)
jLYEwA dejuy en arhou tes 1001 Implanta/.
(Rhaplanca sang her wish in overflowing tears)

Tuesday 15 December 2009

Review Suikoden V *geje*

Hmm...Mungkin saatnya gw review lagi yahh Suikoden V.

Gameplay: 9/10
Perfect. Cuma ini satu-satunya kata yang bisa gw ucapkan. Keren banget.
Suikoden V itu memperbaiki semua kekurangan pendahulunya, terutama desain grafisnya.
Jalan ceritanya pun keren banget meskipun di akhir agak dipaksa *plakk*
Event-event di sini dapet acungan jempol dari gw. Keren, serius. Sering banget nggak terduga.

Story: 10/10
Congrats. Perfect banget. Ini bukan gw demen ya, gw bener-bener ini sih. Ini cerita intrik, bagus banget.
Ceritanya kan kalian tau ya *terutama buat yang sering replay dan maen*
Meskipun diakhir agak dipaksa-paksa, tapi keren, bener.

Graphic: 8/10
Ini keren, tapi ada beberapa nih kritik gw.

>>Arsthat: 2D-nya butut banget. Gw lebih suka 3Dnya. Lebih mencerminkan kebijaksanaan Arsthat sebagai ratu. Dan gw kecewa banget pas gw tonton event di Sun Palace malam Arsthat sama Ferid kebunuh yang dipaparkan oleh Galleon. Pas dia mulai went berserk, 2D-nya parah.

>>Frey: Terlalu simple! Dari kostumnya yang dikomentarin sama orang Lelcar di Central Islet sebagai "gangster" sampe yang kostumnya sebagai leader of army itu sama semua 2Dnya! Yang beda yang gw sadar, hanya pas di Dragon Horse Lair di Gordius saat Georg dateng nolongin.

>>Lyon: Oke, kritiknya sama kea Frey. Dan Lyon itu harus gw akui, terlalu manis. Jadi gw sependapat sama Orok yang di Comment Box: "My Ex-Bodyguard" . Gw ngga ngomong dia ngga pantes jadi bodyguard Frey tapi dia itu terlalu...Innocent mukanya. *dibantai* Kalo misalnya mau gitu, yah di dewasain dikit gitu mukanya.

Gw kecewa sama control-nya. Ada delay 1-2 detik sebelum masuk ke menu. Ataupun kalo kita examine comment box yang ada di HQ, itu suka delay sampe 2 detik.

Gw lumayan seneng nih. Co-Op attack sama Unite Magic keren, banget.
>>Flash of Steel *Kyle & Georg*
>>Sworn Protector *Lyon & Frey, Miakis & Frey*
>>Perfect Likeness *Frey & Roy*
>>Pride of Magic *Levi & Zerase*
~Thunder God *Flowing & Thunder Rune*
~Creation *Dawn & Twilight Rune*
Yang paling nge-buat gw satisfied itu koreografi Frey kalo duel. Beda orang, koreografinya beda. Lagipula beda sama Suiko sebelumnya, disini ditiming sampe 3 detik untuk memutuskan gerakan selanjutnya. Yang buat gw jatuh cinta, Frey duel lawan Miakis. Dan, di sini fiturnya keren banget.
Kalo misalnya kita bawa member tertentu, pas battle background musicnya beda. Keren, ini bagus.

Yap, seperti yang udah gw jelasin. Musiknya pas banget, jadinya kena gitu dan sejalan sama eventnya. Kalo misalnya mau War Battle ataupun ada event di War Room/Audience Chamber, itu musiknya kena. Ataupun pas event Sialeeds di Sol-Falena, kena musiknya.

Overall: Hmm.
I guess...8/10
Nggak banyak game yang dapet acungan jempol dari gw. Ini daftar-daftarnya.

>>Ar Tonelico: Melody of Elemia
>>Ar Tonelico 2: Melody of Metafalica
>>Persona 3: The Journey
>>Persona 4
>>Suikoden V
>>Devil Summoner 2: Raidou v.s King Abbadon.

Nice. Good work, Konami!

xU rre rhaplanca hLYEmYAmArU enw raklya en yLYEzAtU,

(Entrusting her atonement and hope within the 1001st seed)
jLYEwA dejuy en arhou tes 1001 Implanta/.
(Rhaplanca sang her wish in overflowing tears)

Friday 4 December 2009

*nangis gaje*

Huaaaaaaaaaaaa!! *nangis gaje*
Akhirnya gw bisa updet blog juga!! *nangis haru*
Sekarang, Suikoden gw nggak maju maju!!! *mojok*
Selalu dari Doraat Siege!!! *mojok lagi*
Dan sekarang
Gw senang!! *gaje* *dilindes*

xU rre rhaplanca hLYEmYAmArU enw raklya en yLYEzAtU,
(Entrusting her atonement and hope within the 1001st seed)
jLYEwA dejuy en arhou tes 1001 Implanta/.
(Rhaplanca sang her wish in overflowing tears)


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