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Sunday, 29 August 2010

Gaming Life and Some Stuffs

Yak, gue akhirnya balik dengan segudang kegajean.
Kali ini gue mau cerita tentang gaming life gue, yahh...
Gue mulai main game sejak kelas 4 SD. Waktu itu, game RPG yang pertama gue mainin adalah Atelier Iris 2: The Azoth of the Destiny makannya sampe sekarang gue nggak bisa lupa sama game itu.
Dan akhir-akhir ini, gue jadi suka game genre hack 'n slash kayak DW, SW sama WO
Ahaha, geje banget gaming life gue

Jadi, gue mau cerita tentang Persona 3 Portable gue dulu
Gue main female protagonist, tapi sialnya, andai Empress S.Link gue sempetin Max sama Magician sialannya gue tinggal 1 level lagi, udah keburu tanggal 31 Januari ==;a
Fortune juga ==; padahal kalo gue max, bisa buat Orpheus Teleos tuh ==

Compedium gue udah tiga perempat jalan!! Yess di playthrough ketiga ini gue bakalan buat Compedium 100 % =))

Sekarang, gue mau cerita tentang Over the Sky sama sekuel-nya, The Road of No Return

Over the Sky
"I don't really want to go back to the future...It was a fun time yet thrilling in here. But anyways, I wish you all well. And for Lu Xun, I will treasure your head dress. Forever." The jade eyed girl smiled, her eyes are teary. The young strategist smiled, he tries hard to hold his tears.

"I wish you prosperity in future, Lady Yue Ran. You have fought well. I will keep your charm. I will cherish it forever." Yue Ran nodded, and unexpectedly, she walked towards the young strategist and raised her arms, warped Lu Xun's neck.

"!" Lu Xun perplexed, his golden eyes opened wide. But once he grind on the ground, his eyes gentled, and the young officer smiled. He raised his bracelet circled arms and warped the young girl's neck.

"I love you, Lu Xun." Yue Ran whispered. "Even though if we are apart...We are still connected, right? Even almost 1810 years separated us...I will always remember you." She whispered, her eyes are sparkling with tears. She is reluctant to left her lover alone.

"I love you too, Yue Ran." Lu Xun replied softly, he tightened his grip on the young girl's neck. "Yes, we will always stay connected. No matter how much time that separates us, or how much distance. I will always cherish our moment together."

The Road of No Return
"I can't turn back now, I reluctant to go forward either. But anyways, and anyhow, I don't believe miracle exist. So there's small possibilities I will return. Anyways...I got to protect the past and the future. Probably."

Udah ah wa harus off dulu == Oyasumi~

~I will somehow keep the promise...I will.~

Monday, 23 August 2010

My Autobiography

Ini sebenernya ditag Mimo di FB, cuma nggak tahu FB gue ngeror ato apalah gue ga bisa buka notes, jadi gue isi di sini aja.

Once you've been tagged, Fill this out and repost as, "My Autobiography" And use your own answers, not anyone else's.

1. Where did you take your profile pic?
I made it on my own

2. What exactly are you wearing right now?

My uniform

3. What is your current problem?

What are you going to do?

4. What makes you happy the most?

If I can disappear...

5. What's the name of the song that you're listening to?

Bokutachi ni aru mono - Romi Paku

6. Any celeb you would marry?

Hell no

7. Name someone with the same birthday as you?


8. Ever sang in front of a large audience?

You bet

9. Has anyone ever said you look like a celebrity?

Yeah, like I care anyways

10. Do you still watch kiddie movies or kiddie TV shows?

Dun watch TV...

11. Do you speak any languages?

Indonesian, English, Japanese, a little French and Sundanese

12. Has anyone you've been really close with passed away?

What are you talking to?

13. What is something that really annoys you?

If someone kept bugging me and talks behind my back

Chapter 1:

1. Middle name: Monika

2. Nickname(s) = Rizu, Rijuk, Mama Riju, etc..

3. Current location= Bandung

4. Eye color = brown

Chapter 2:

1. Do you get along well with your parents? I dunno, probably not

Chapter 3: Favorites

1. Ice cream = Chocolate

2. Season = Autumn

3. Shampoo/condition = ...Why did you want to know?

Chapter 4: Do You...

1.Dance in the shower? = Sometimes

2. Do you write on your hand?= Nah

3. Call people back? = No

4. Believe in love? = Yeah

5. Any bad habits? = Dun want to list it here

6. Any mental health issues? Probably

Chapter 5: Have You....

1. Broken a bone? = No

2. Sprained anything?= Maybe

3. Had physical therapy? = Hell no

4. Gotten stitches? = No

5. Taken painkillers? = Yeah

6. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling? = Nah, haven't

7. Been stung by a bee? = No. I would probably already dead, stupid

Chapter 6: Who/What was the last

1. Movie you watch? = Dunno, haven't watch any movies in long time

2. Three people to text you? = Daphne, Nicola and Alba

3. Person you called? = None

5. Person you tackled? = Three days ago? Nathaniel

6. Person you talked to on MSN? = Dun have messenger

7. Thing you touched? = Mouse and keyboard

8. Thing you ate? = Fish stick

9. Thing you drank? = Cold water

10. Thing you said? = Shut up


1. I love: = My friends

2. People would say that = Whaddaya mean?

3. I don't understand = ..Who knows?

4. When I wake up in the morning = Go back to sleep

5. I lost my = emotion

6. Life is full of = pain

7. My past = I don't wanna talk about it

8. I get annoyed very quickly when = someone talks behind my back

9. Parties are = I don't care

10. I wish IN life = I would eventually disappear...

11: Dogs are = Whatnot

12. Cats are = Who cares

13. Tomorrow is = Tuesday

14. I have a low tolerance for = people who annoys me

15. If I had a million dollars I would = save it

Yosh, udah bikin tugas lagi *ngibrit dari blog*

~I will somehow keep the promise...I will.~

Friday, 13 August 2010

Grand Chase, Pangya and stuffs

Maaf gue jarang update lagi sekarang, entah kenapa sekarang gue lebih milih main game online sama FBan dibanding blogging *PLAK*
Jadi, di post gue kali ini, gue mau bahas Grand Chase sama Pangya, dua-duanya sama-sama dari publisher yang sama, yaitu ntreev cuma gue main GC Indo bukan USA.

Grand Chase itu imut banget desain karakternya~~
Jadi, gue sekarang baru level 16 pake Lire, level 2 pake Arme dan level 1 pake Elesis
Maap aja gue merasa lebih enak pake Lire wakakakakakaa *PLAK*

Dan, Pangya gue udah jarang main
Karena gue jadi lebih suka Grand Chase wakakakakaka *PLAK*

Jadi udah ah gue balik dulu ke pangya ==

Hng terus gue pengin nulis random stuff dikit

Hubungan gue sama Shin jadi kayak temen biasa. Hahaha, this is how it should be.

Terus, Persona 3 P gue...
Bagi yang tau cara fuse Nata Taishi, tolong dong kasik tahu gue ==a

Udah gitu, back to life school mmkay?
Haha, gue tau
Gue ga boleh merasa kayak gini.
Dia ga punya perasaan apapun sama gue, tapi, who knows? Maybe he falls for another girl, or even me.
Haha, pokoknya dia memang tidak terlalu punya banyak teman karena personality-nya yang suka bengong di siang bolong, tapi dia anak yang baik kok

Lalu, gue akhir-akhir ini sering bertanya sama diri gue sendiri
Apa arti keberadaan gue kalau gue ga bisa melindungi orang yang berharga buat gue?
What is the meaning of my life if I can't protect those who are dear to me?
Even if I have power, if I couldn't protect them, it would be meaningless.
Bahkan jika aku punya kekuatan, jika aku tidak bisa melindungi mereka, aku tidak berharga. Aku tidak berarti.
Where could I obtain power to protect them? To protect them from harm? To embrace them within my wings? I don't know. It is my inner strength that determines it?

Shin, Nathan, and everyone...My friends, everyone...

I know since the very beginning, that I would sacrifice everything for them. Yes, everything.

Oh well, going back to Pangya~ -kicked-

~I will somehow keep the promise...I will.~

Friday, 6 August 2010

Yesterday Incident

Yah, dari judulnya aja ketahuan kan? =w=;~
Gue mau cerita tentang insiden kemarin =w=;

Yah jadi kemarin biasa aja gue sekolah, ketemu sama temen temen, yah salah satunya temen gue yang gue bilang di post sebelumnya, yah gue panggilnya Nathan.
Nah kan istirahat nih, entah kenapa gue lagi pengin sendiri padahal biasanya gue hang out sama temen-temen gue, Ruth en Joana. Yah gue gatau lah, tapi kemarin pas istirahat gue moody banget, jadi gue sendirian di depan kelas sambil nyandar ke tembok sekolah, liatin orang lalu lalang.

Dan beres istirahat adalah pelajaran B. Mandarin, jadi yah kita dibacain hasil ulangan pas minggu lalu.
Dan entah kenapa, tiba-tiba bayangan tentang kakak gue melintas di benak gue.

Ya jadi kan Ruth temen sebangku gue, dia orang Toraja. Jadi dia tanya,

"Glo lo kenapa?"

Yah gue jawab, "Nggak, gue gapapa..." Padahal beneran hati gue sakit kalo inget itu lagi, dan kakak gue adalah hal paling terakhir yang mau gue inget.

Gue ngerasa air mata gue nyaris keluar jadi gue benamin aja muka gue ke dalem lengan gue.

Dan ngedadak, si Nathan balik (dia duduk di depan gue) ke arah gue

"Glor, lo nape?" dia nanya. Gue yang menggeleng aja, karena gue ga mau ketauan nangis kan

Nah, dan ga tau dia sengaja apa enggak, dia megang tangan gue sambil ngomong,

"Lo nape Glor? Ngomong aja."

Ya udah gue akhirnya cerita aja, dan bilang.

"Kalo bukan gara-gara gue, mungkin jalan ceritanya beda. Mungkin sampe sekarang kakak gue masih ada."

Si Nathan diem dulu baru ngomong,

"Yah, kalo udah ditakdirkan mau gimana lagi, mau gimanapun pasti lo sama nyokap lo pergi juga."

Terus gue jawab, "Tapi, kalo bukan gara-gara gue yang minta beli pelampung, mungkin jalan ceritanya beda Nat, mungkin kakak gue masih ada sampe sekarang. Kakak gue baru umur 9 pas meninggal. Jalannya masih panjang."

Gue waktu itu masih ga sadar kalo dia udah bukan genggam tangan gue, tapi lebih kayak meremas gitu.

Karena gue udah mulai nangis beneran, guru gue ngeliatin tapi diem aja, terus temen temen gue yang lain (Emily, Marvel, dkk...) mulai datang ke meja gue, tapi Nathan bilang.

"Udah, hush hush, jangan datang ke sini."

Hahaha, gue merasa dilindungi banget, percaya deh.

Ruth kan ngasih tisu ke gue, jadi yah gue keringin dulu air mata gue. Nah, gue udah tenang, baru si Nathan ngomong lagi.

"Eh, lo tuh senyum dong! Wajah lo tuh aneh tau nggak kalo nggak senyum."

Haha, percaya deh, gue jadi kayak hadapan sama kakak gue aja.

Terus gue yah, berusaha menyunggingkan senyuman buat dia. Pas gue senyum, gue langsung lihat matanya berbinar-binar lembut gitu, gataulah gimana ngomongnya.

"Nah gitu dong!" Hahaha, dia kayak yang seneng banget.

Pas gue sadar, dia masih megang tangan gue, spontan aja gue lepasin dan gue nyaris jitak dia. Tapi namanya juga ada guru, mana berani gue, hahaha.

Well, if it is for you...I will smile whenever you want me to.

~If it's for him...I will smile everytime he wants me to.~

Haha, really...

Honestly, I should thanked him.

Haha, the way he holds my hand...The way he speak honestly to me...

"C'mon, smile! Your face is weird if you don't smile!"

Haha, don't tell me...All things you've done now is just to make me laugh, to make smile spread across my face...

To fall in love with the same person my friend is already in love with...How despicable.

....Dunno how that works, but it somehow makes me feel better.

~I wished those gentle hands warp me again...Just once more.~

Wednesday, 4 August 2010


Yah bagi yang tahu, gue sendiri pun kaget.
Tadi si Shin a.k.a Reis itu buzz gue di YM, sayang gue ga OL karena gue baru pulang les >_>
Dan gue tadi cek FBnya, sumpah gue kaget setengah mati.


Gue bukan seneng bukan apa, gue cuma...Yah ini ngomongnya gimana yah?
Bagi yang tau, Shin itu sayang setengah mati sama si Karin, sampe gue yang adiknya ini aja rada-rada dilupain.

Seneng? Enggak. Sedih? Iya.
Gue sedih karena Shin mungkin ga bisa terpikat sama cewek lain, dan gue pikir si Karin tuh udah kayak hidup-nya aja.

Ahh udah sumpah rants gue jadi geje gini

Udah ah mau donlot gc sekalian main pangya~ XD

~I wished those gentle hands warp me again...Just once more.~


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